Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Tour Stop: Wounded Yet Not Destroyed by Stacey Y. Whyte

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Book Blurb

Julene grew up in a prominent family with godly virtues but when tragedy struck it tore them apart. She became a victim of physical, mental, and sexual abuse. Even though she was elevated to stardom that did not heal her severed heart, she learned that the cure to her crisis was not the money or the men but rather it is God. She discovered that God is the healer who mends everything that is broken and breathes life into everything that is dead. He gave her a reason to keep on living, and looking beyond her past failures and moving into the victories that He prepared for her.
Wounded Not Destroyed Blitz Tour


As I lay there, I saw my life flash before my eyes. I saw a bright light appear in front of me; it was so bright I couldn't look at it because of its brilliance. For the first time since my sister Julia's death, I saw her. She looked so peaceful and happy; from her appearance, I knew she was in a better place. She said, "It's not time for you to join me yet. You must return. God has work for you to do on earth. After you have completed the task ahead of you, you will join me." Overwhelmed with joy, I stretched my hand forward to Julia. "Julene, my dear sister," she exclaimed. "I love you." "Julia," I replied, "you are so beautiful. Please don't leave me." "Sis, I love you, but I must go now. Rest in the peace of God." "I love you too," I said, "Bye." When I regained consciousness, I looked up and saw Victoria. She told me that the doctors had pronounced me dead. I told her about my experience in the light with my sister Julia and she rejoiced for my second chance at life.

About The Author

stacyywhyteStacy is an Author, Life & Relationship Coach and Speaker. She helps women to restore their hope, faith and confidence through reflective writing and life coaching. She is a motivational catalyst that believes in empowering women to live their best lives by stepping out by faith to fulfill their purpose.
Stacy has experienced many setbacks, trials and tragedies along her journey. She knows pain first hand and as result she has dedicated her life to helping other women to rise above adversities. For Stacy, the challenges has helped to shape her life, gave her the strength to pursue the dreams and God molded her character to not simply settle but work towards being the best and accomplishing greatness.
Stacy says, "Success is embedded in her DNA." She strives to strategically get others to tap into that potential and realize their dreams. She is also a ministry leader and the Founder and CEO of Victorious Coaching Group; which is geared towards helping women to restore their confidence in relationship, dealing with life issues and overcoming challenges.

Connect with Stacy at: 

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Tour Stop: Jessie by Rebekah Lyn

The four Cole boys’ adventures on their island home have become a welcome escape, and one of the only things in life the boys can truly rely on. Jessie, the youngest and a dreamer, becomes enamoured with US plans for manned space flight and its race to the moon, stirring his own dreams of one day becoming an astronaut. Jessie has deep thoughts but doesn’t think he does. 
I was touched by Jessie's perceptive and sensitive nature, he has a close relationship with all his brothers but especially Max the oldest. What forges the closeness is shared pain and anger but together they help each other through the issues that come up against them. 
 There is a beautiful theme of brotherly love. The brothers are a close unit despite their age range and personalities, which come through so strongly you feel like you understand how and why Jessie loves them all so much. they understand how each of them ticks and how to get along.
I like the way that Jessie escapes by dreaming of the astronaut Gus who helps him to process things. He questions the things we all as Christians do before and after conversion and is
It is a feel good story that touches on the various challenges that face people in life but also warms the heart. I really like Jessie and would love to see another instalment with him!

 Book Excerpt

July 20, 1964

Soft, warm sand scrunched between Jessie's toes. Waves rolled onto the shore, white foam racing up the hard packed sand toward him, receding just inches before it would have splashed over his feet. Jessie looked up and down the pristine sand, then back toward the dunes of waving sea oats and thick palm fronds. His roving gaze stopped at the sight of a man cresting the dune, seeming to float above the thick vegetation. 

As the man drew closer, Jessie felt his stomach flutter with excitement, recognizing astronaut Gus Grissom.

"Good afternoon, Jessie." Grissom smiled down at him. 

"Mr. Grissom, how did you know my name?" Jessie stammered in awe. 

"I hear you want to be an astronaut when you grow up." Grissom started walking down the beach and Jessie fell in step beside him.

"I do,” Jessie breathed. “I can't wait till I am old enough to apply." Jessie couldn't tear his eyes away from Grissom as they walked. 

"That's good. We'll need lots of young men to carry on this mission. There is so much still to be learned and explored. I'm sure we’ll face setbacks that will seem insurmountable, but as long as we have the faith and support of the country, I believe this space program can make a real difference. We can do things that others only dream of."

Jessie nodded solemnly. "I won't give up on you."

Grissom's eyes grew sad and he turned his gaze out to the ocean. "You were ready to give up on us once, after Alan's brief flight into space. You said it wasn't worth it for less than twenty minutes."

Jessie felt a stab of guilt. How did Grissom know about his innermost thoughts? "I was wrong then. After you and John Glenn made longer trips I understood Mr. Shepard was a pioneer, blazing the path, pushing the limits to see what could be done. I won't doubt again, I promise."

Grissom looked down at Jessie and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Remember that promise in the days and years to come." 

Jessie nodded, thrilled by the faith and confidence Grissom's hand on his shoulder instilled in him. Just as quickly as he had appeared, Grissom was gone and Jessie was alone on the beach again. In the distance he could make out the upright shape of the launch tower.

"Wake up, Jessie," a quiet voice whispered in his ear, as a soft hand shook his shoulder.

Jessie rolled over and opened his eyes to see his mother standing over him, wearing the same pale blue dress she had worn that morning as they had been evicted. Jessie rubbed his eyes and looked at his watch, surprised only forty-five minutes had passed.  

"Lunch is ready, sweetheart." Eleanor's eyes crinkled with her smile.

"I'll be right there," Jessie replied. When his mother had left the room, he sat up and studied his feet, surprised to see he wasn't barefoot, with sand between his toes, but rather wore the old sneakers he'd fallen asleep in. Did he only dream his meeting with Gus Grissom? 

Of course it was only a dream. What chance did a kid like him have of actually meeting an astronaut? It was childish of him to have believed it for even a second, and yet... Jessie touched his shoulder, where Grissom's hand had rested, and he again felt that confidence. Dreams did sometimes come true, you know. 

Not feeling hungry, and still bemused by his dream, Jessie meandered into the kitchen where he found his brothers sitting around the table, all eyes expectantly on him. With a start, he saw a cake standing there, decorated with fourteen brightly burning candles. 

into his mouth.

About The Author

Rebekah is a Christian with a heart for new beginnings. She is a Florida native and a graduate of Jacksonville University, Jacksonville, Fl. A love of history, research and journaling led naturally to a passion for writing. She enjoys travel and has traveled extensively across the United States and Canada as well as Europe and the Caribbean. Her reading taste run from the classics to light fiction. When she is not working or writing, she enjoys cooking, baking and sharing recipes on her blog.

Her current works include, Summer Storms and Winter's End, books one and two in The Seasons of Faith series, and Julianne the first book in The Coastal Chronicle series. She is currently working on Jessie a coming of age novel set in coastal Florida during the early days of the United States manned space flight program. Jessie is the second book in the Coastal Chronicles Series.

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Buy Rebekah Lyn's Books

Connect with Rebekah through:

Email: authorrebekahlyn@icloud.com


Fabulosity  Reads Book Promotions is a book touring website that promotes authors and their precious works to an extensive audience using blogs, twitter, Facebook and other Social Media, with the aim of introducing them to an appreciative readership. They offer a diverse range of both complimentary and affordable products to help the reach of your book go that much further.    

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Book Release Tour Stop: Mad Water (Perseus Book 3) by Nicholas C. Rossis

Yesterday’s crimes. Tomorrow’s retribution.
In the third book of the best-selling Pearseus series, the incessant scheming of the various players and their nebulous puppet-masters has brought about major change. Cyrus is now the new ruler of the Capital, struggling to fight Jonia’s revolt along with his own demons. Gella strives to keep abreast of Teo’s devious plans in order to end the war with Jonia. David returns to the First in an effort to overcome his loss of the Voice. Lehmor’s struggle to reunite with Moirah brings him to uncharted territories, where the enigmatic Iota play with minds, senses and the future of the entire planet.
Old foes and unlikely new friends appear as invisible forces continue to pry humanity apart. Masks drop to reveal the ultimate truth: on Pearseus, everyone has their own agenda. And they’ll stop at nothing to achieve it.

What people say about Pearseus:

“He simply tells a story of corruption, people struggling as pioneers seeking to do with what they have...  The measure of this book is that the triumph is not a textbook description, but a sense of a living struggle.”
“A cross between Game of Thrones and Dune”
“Astonishing, intriguing, thoughtful”
“It will be hard to put this book down long enough to eat and sleep, never mind doing responsible things like going to work and taking care of the kids”
“[It] hits on those big archetypal themes of invasion, loss, leadership, death... and high tech. It gives the reader plenty of material for discussion.”
“Warning: May cause loss of sleep, lowered work productivity, and missed meals”

Nicholas C. Rossis bio:
Author. Avid reader. Web developer. Architect by training, holder of a PhD in Digital Architecture from the University of Edinburgh.
Nicholas loves to write.  Mad Water, the third book in his epic fantasy series, Pearseus, was just published, while his first children's book, Runaway Smile, is currently being illustrated.  He has also published The Power of Six, a collection of short sci-fi stories.
He lives in Athens, Greece, in the middle of a forest, with his wife, dog and two very silly cats, one of whom is always sitting on his lap, so please excuse any typos in his blog posts: typing with one hand can be hard...

Book links:

The Power of Six: 6+1 Science Fiction Short Stories can be found on http://amzn.to/1kKVduI
Pearseus: Schism, Book 1 in his epic fantasy series is available on http://amzn.to/1aDgXDA
Pearseus: Rise of the Prince, Book 2 in his epic fantasy series is available on http://amzn.to/1jlXLj6
Pearseus: Rise of the Prince, Book 2 in his epic fantasy series is available on http://amzn.to/1jlXLj6
Pearseus: Mad Water, Book 3 in his epic fantasy series is available on http://amzn.to/1kPDVvT
You can also read Books 1 & 2 (special edition) on http://amzn.to/RqjNbU and
Books 1 to 3 (box edition) on
Also available: Tao Te Ching  (translated into Greek) on http://amzn.to/1ovrc4n

Web presence:


Friday, 11 July 2014

Tour Stop: Never Upon a Time by Meredith Jade


You’ve always hated her, but you might not know the whole story. . .

Edith may not be brazen and enchanted like her twin sister, Ember, but in a world of dying magic, perhaps her simple desires are enough.

After a Selection Banquet gone awry, Edith is left without a suitor or a plan. Befriending a little white fox and occupying herself with a philanthropic project outside castle walls, Edith soon rebuilds morale and musters enough courage to reach out to her estranged twin sister.

But Ember’s been harboring an evil secret - and thwarted love and jealous can turn acts of merit into classic tales of wickedness in this new twist on an old tale.


“Away with you! Or I will scream as if I’m being murdered.” Gretchen’s voice grew shrill.
The fact that the word “murder” was in a small child’s vocabulary scared Edith more than the threat itself. “I will go, I will go,” she said hurriedly. Edith decided to leave her cape and make a run for the Wood. Secrecy was more important than the shawl and gifts, so she decided to make a getaway and hoped abandoning the cape would perhaps serve as a reason to return. Whether or not she wanted to brave such a return was still up for debate.
“Father and Mother will be walking up the same pathway you took to come here. To avoid them, you must go a different way or stay parallel and concealed in the forest beside it. Unless you want to bump into them?” Her tone was sarcastic. “I’m sure after yet another futile day of hunting and foraging for squirrels, they’d love to see you.”
Edith didn’t acknowledge Gretchen. Instead, she ran headlong toward to forest’s edge for fear of what might happen if Ember discovered that her most hated rival was at her cottage. When she reached the edge of Elfin Wood, a curious pull behind Edith’s ribcage had her look over her shoulder for one last glance at the dilapidated cottage. She saw her nephews standing at the window. Rune was waving profusely, hands full of the cookies Edith had made. Dash, whose eyes could be seen peeking happily from under the hood of his aunt’s cape, blew kisses with razzleberry tart stained hands. Edith clutched her chest and stepped into the tangled brush of the Wood.

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About the Author

Meredith Jade was raised in a small town by parents who taught her to love reading. From the moment she could hold pencil to paper, she wrote. After graduating college and traveling abroad teaching English in Uttaradit, Thailand for a year, she came home. Writing was that home. Her writing has a range of inspirations, all a result of her voracious reading as a child and young adult. Anything from Victorian Literature to bird watching guides to NY Times best sellers have served as an agent for her imagination. Never Upon a Time is her first novel.

Connect with Meredith

Email: meredith.jade7@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Meredith-Jade/648465681892404?ref_type=bookmark
Blog: http://thereaderproject.wordpress.com
Twitter: @meredithjade

Fabulosity Reads Book Promotions is a book touring website that promotes authors and their precious works to an extensive audience using blogs, twitter, Facebook and other Social Media, with the aim of introducing them to an appreciative readership.
They offer a diverse range of both complimentary and affordable products to help the reach of your book go that much further.

Saturday, 5 July 2014

Struggles of the Women Folk


                                                      African American fiction,                                                      

historical fiction, 

women's issues.



 family dynamics, 




"Struggles of the Women Folk" is based on fictional characters created from stories my grandma shared with me when I was child.  It is the story of Georgie, a young Black girl in the South during the 1940s. I hope that you can appreciate her pain, suffering and betrayal as you travel with her on highs and lows you won't anticipate. This is the story of the power of a woman's courage, love, strength and faith that exists within each and every one us, whether we know it or not..


I enjoyed the book from beginning to end, so much so that i could not put it down until it was finished. But at 81 pages (on a kindle) that’s no hardship. This is a book about the sacrifices that women make in order for them and theirs to survive, secrets, oppression, relationships and the expectations we have and how we try to live up to them.

The story centres around the narrator Georgie, who suffers a trauma as a young girl and has to live with the horror of it for the rest of her life. It seems as though troubles continue to look for, and find her. There are some familial relationship themes that are familiar to many of us, especially for those who are less well off in society. The mother who tries by all means to fend for and support her children. The aunt who only seems to care about herself, and neglects her child, only to eventually relate the story of how she got to be so bitter and torn. Which changes the relationship between her and her niece which had been so strained for so long. The rich benefactor woman who seems to have it all but is constrained by all of her wealth and family expectations. She cannot live her life, and so ends up ruining somebody else’s life by taking what is most dear to them, with no conscience or care.

These are all struggles that women folk face, from time immemorial. But with the Christian slant, it helps one remember that though we face these struggles, God is an ever present helper to those in need. Even in the midst of turmoil when we feel most alone and destroyed. I especially like the way Georgie prays. She remembers to give thanks and ask for help throughout.

Georgie herself sums up the theme of the “struggles of women folk”.....p67 Chapter 14 “Don’t really know why one day can be so joyous and the next be filled with so much heartache that ya can’t even breathe.”

I found the book too short and did not delve into the personal emotional feelings of the characters besides the immediately obvious. And there is that whole negative perception of men from the older female characters, where they keep reminding us to expect the worst from men, our fathers and lovers, which irritates me, but since not long is spent going into this, it does not grate on the nerves.

Overall a satisfying short read.


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