Thursday, 8 May 2014

LOVE NEVER SHOULD by Jaye Cherie: Guestpost

I'm so excited to present you all with this very exciting author. I read one line of her free sample and was hooked.
I hope once you receiving from her what she has to share, you will go a step further and support her work with a purchase of her book. 
I love writers and God loving folk who deal with difficult issues of life and inspire real people who go through them to rise above them. That's what this blogs about.
Now ladies and gents, help me welcome Jaye Cherie, author of The Cost of Love and Sanity

Love never should

I used to hear people ask for the definition of love. I had even tried looking it up in Webster dictionary but found myself unsatisfied with the description. For years, I didn’t really have a definite answer, until I went searching online for a Bible verse on a different subject. I ended up coming across the most complete definition of love I’d ever seen. It came from 1 Corinthians Chapter 13. I’d seen and heard references to it several times over the years but, in that moment, it clicked and made much more sense to me.

Don’t get me wrong. There are many poignant verses and stories in the Bible on the topic. Jacob and Rachel. Hosea and Gomer. Not to mention the many references to God’s love for us. All of these stories and verses provide concrete examples of love, showing the qualities required for it to thrive. But to me, the most influential verses about love are in 1 Corinthians Chapter 13. It’s so plain and to the point that I chose verse 7-8 for the Dedication page in my current novel, The Cost of Love and Sanity.

“It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.”
This sounds like the stuff of greeting cards. Almost like make believe, even though it shouldn’t be.

The reason this ideal feels so unattainable is due to the ups and downs we experience while pursuing love. When we enter a new relationship, we don’t have to be told to hope for the best. We do it naturally, expecting love to endure and flourish but that isn’t always what happens, is it?

Sometimes the other person does something wrong and we feel the need to terminate the relationship. Or we do something wrong and they feel the need to call it quits. Or maybe circumstances beyond our control cause the relationship to end. Our response to this is rarely positive. We usually worry. We cry. We become bitter. Some of us have had our emotional and even psychological skin scratched so raw believing in love’s perseverance seems “impossible.”

The worst part is that our hearts eventually harden toward love, even though we’ve already been told the truth; love is long-suffering. It will never be easy and it requires much. We forget that our struggles don’t mean love is not worth fighting for or believing in.

Love requires a cultivation of faith and you don’t have faith, if you can’t hold fast to it through challenges. We all pay for our relationships. We pay with our time, attention, emotions, bodies and, yes, sometimes money. But the next time you decide to give up completely, remember that love never should.

About the author

The world of entertainment has always been a priority for Jacksonville, Florida native Jaye Cheríe. Her unwavering passion for music and movies led her to photograph, interview and write articles on entertainers and personalities.

After working on her writing skills and receiving her Bachelor’s degree in Mass Communications, Cheríe embraced the challenge of helping to build a new fashion/beauty magazine. It was there that she, not only played a fundamental role in its launch, but also decided to follow her instinct and return to her entertainment pursuits.

Her lifelong interest came into focus when she formally created Entertainment Wire. Entertainment Wire is an online media that covers news, reviews and interviews in pop and urban culture. Since 2006, Cheríe has reviewed movies and music, interviewed entertainers and kept audiences informed on celebrity news.

Jaye is currently an author with Strebor Books, Inc, an imprint of Simon & Schuster. Her debut novel, The Golddigger’s Club, was released in Mass Market December 2013. Her second novel, The Cost of Love and Sanity, came out this month and is currently on tour with TLC Book Tours. The world of entertainment has always been a priority for Jacksonville, Florida native Jaye Cheríe. Her unwavering passion for music and movies led her to photograph, interview and write articles on entertainers and personalities.

After working on her writing skills and receiving her Bachelor’s degree in Mass Communications, Cheríe embraced the challenge of helping to build a new fashion/beauty magazine. It was there that she, not only played a fundamental role in its launch, but also decided to follow her instinct and return to her entertainment pursuits.

Her lifelong interest came into focus when she formally created Entertainment Wire. Entertainment Wire is an online media that covers news, reviews and interviews in pop and urban culture. Since 2006, Cheríe has reviewed movies and music, interviewed entertainers and kept audiences informed on celebrity news.

Jaye is currently an author with Strebor Books, Inc, an imprint of Simon & Schuster. Her debut novel, The Golddigger’s Club, was released in Mass Market December 2013. Her second novel, The Cost of Love and Sanity, came out this month and is currently on tour with TLC Book Tours. 

support jaye's work.

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