Monday, 12 May 2014

Ordering my steps

The Lord is my shepherd I have everything I need (Psalm 23:1)

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him (Romans 8:28), and isn't that the truth!

Do you ever sometimes stop and think, oh my goodness everything seems to be going my way. Recently I was preparing for a project and all I kept seeing was the relevant bits and pieces that I didn’t have, information I needed, suggestions, ideas, it was amazing! Everything I looked at was connected to my project.

It’s an amazing feeling! But really, why are we surprised when this happens? For are we not the Lord’s? Does he not say Ask anything in my name and I will do it (John 14:14)? He knows our hearts desires and needs even before the idea has formed in our minds or hearts.

He orders our steps even when we have no idea what is going on. 9 years ago, my mother got sick, I was a student, with a couple of part-time jobs. It was crazy hectic but after she died it came to me that, had I not been a student with flexible jobs, I would not have been able to spend time with and care for her before she died. It sure did not feel like a blessing at the time, but of course it was only in retrospect that I realised this. A full time job, a husband and family would have made it nigh on impossible to be there.

I was in a bar a few weeks ago and ended up sitting with some girls (most of whom I had just met) and one of them shared her story and testimony. Now some people were not that impressed at her “preaching” in a bar, but I believe that God meets you anywhere and everywhere. I was touched and blessed by her testimony even as I drank my wine. I believe God sent her at that time and place to meet a need in me or some other person who was present there.

What more when you reach out to God with purpose? He is there, waiting to reach out to you and help you. And god will generously provide all you need (2 Cor 9:8). It might not be today or even next week or next year. But when he does answer your prayer, need or desire, YOU WILL KNOW IT and feel it. He is never too late, or too early, he has perfect timing. While we are busy ‘waiting’ he is busy ordering your steps  

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